How to recover from Diabetes with home remedies?


  1. Ritus made up of Ragi, Ragi soups, Ragi balls, Ragi in milk can be used. Raghi used in any form is beneficial in Diabetes.
  2. Eating a cup of home made Curd helps to slow down the progression of Diabetes. induced by high fructose administration.
  3. Taking Bitter gourd ( Kerela) Juice or bitter gourd in any form helps to control Diabetes.
  4. Blackv berries (Jamun) seeds powdered and taken regularly and also eating Black berries helps to control Diabetes.
  5. pieces of stem chopped from Red kino tree ( Honne) boiled in water, filtered and this decoction taken helps to control Diabetes.
  6. Chewing few leaves of Sweet neem ( Curry patta) everyday morning also helps to reduced Diabetes.
  7. Eating a Indian gooseberry ( Amla) everyday helps in reducing Diabetes.
  8. Indian gooseberry (Amla) powder with Turmeric powder taken in the empty stomach also helps to reduce Diabetes.
  9. Dip Fenugreek (Menthi) seeds overnight, eat them in the empty stomach in the morning or use fresh frenugreek leaves in cooking which cures Diabetes.
  10. Drinking Lemon water in the morning helps in reducing Diabetes.
  11. Beal fruit taken in any form is also help in redcuing Diabetes.
  12. Salted Buttermilk ( Chach ) take in the morning helps to reduces Diabetes.
  13. Nut meg ( Jay phal) powder with pure Ghee taken regularly helps to reduces Diabetes.
  14. Orange skin dried in the shade and powdered. A spoon of this powdered boiled in water and filtered, this decoction taken helps to reduces Diabetes.
  15. Eating Tomato juice or raw Tomato regularly helps to reducing Diabetes.
  16. Basil leaves ( Tulsi) chewed in the morning helps in reducing Diabetes.
  17. Sadabahar(Vinca rosea) is a food rescues the blood sugar level. Boil one glass of water. in half glass of water, put of 3 flowers of Sadabhar, leave for 5 minutes the drink the water by removing the floser. Then drink the water by removing the flower. Then drink the other half glass of hot water. Continue for 7 days which is a good remedy for curing reducing Diabetes.
  18. The best remedy for this disease is the bitter gourd, better known as ‘karela’. Eat this vegetable as often as you can or have at least one tablespoon of karela juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine.
  19. Besides, take ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach. It will work wonders in keeping your sugar levels under control.
  20. Consume 2 cloves of garlic with water every morning on an empty stomach. Garlic helps in reducing blood sugar levels.
  21. Eat 5-10 grams of jamun seed powder every morning. It directly works on the pancreas.
  22. Paste prepared with Neem leaves is proven effective for diabetes.
  23. Soak 2 inches bark overnight in a glass of water. Next morning squeeze the bark and drink the infusion.
  24. Infuse banyan tree bark. It is proved as a specific medicine for Diabetes.
  25. Neem juice if taken regularly is said to be effective for diabetes and controls the blood sugar levels to a great extent.

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