Acid Reflux Treatment at Home

Acid Reflux Treatment at Home
Treatment of Acid Reflux with Home Remedies

Acid reflux is one of the top health-related internet search queries, a very common symptom of burning pain felt internally around the lower chest area, caused by stomach acid flowing back up into the food pipe.

1. A spoonful of baking soda:

Mix either a ½ teaspoon or 1 single teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water that is no more than 8 ounces. Give it a good stir and drink all of the mixture. You can repeat this as needed but should not exceed seven ½ teaspoon doses in a 24 hour period. Also, avoid using this as a remedy for more than a week straight, as it is high in salt and can have side effects such as swelling or nausea.

2. Soothe your stomach with aloe juice:

Drink a ½ cup of aloe juice, cool or room temperature, before meals. Keep in mind that aloe can act as a laxative, so unless you’re looking to fit in a few extra bathroom Sudoku puzzles, look for a brand that has the laxative component removed.

3. Chew gum:

After a meal, pop in a piece of sugar-free gum and chew for 30 minutes to help ward off heartburn.

4. Get more acid:

Mix 3 teaspoons, or up to 1 tablespoon, of apple cider vinegar into 6-8 ounces of fresh water, and drink. You can do this before each meal, before bedtime, or 2-3 times during the day.

5. Eat a banana or an apple

6. Make gingerroot tea

7. Avoid tight fitting clothes

8. Avoid Smoking, alcohol

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